
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Saturday Snapshots - A New LINKY!!!

I am linking up with Miss Nelson in this fun, new linky party Saturday Snapshots.  (Even though I'm a day late) This a a perfect linky party for me because I absolutely LOVE taking pictures.  I currently have over 2,600 photos on my iPhone!  Most of the pictures are of my children!  

This pic is of 3 of my kids.  My daughter was at acting camp for two weeks in Corpus Christi.  I brought two of my boys with me to go pick her up.  As we were driving down Ocean Drive, we came across this park "Ropes Park".  What's so neat about this is, my youngest son is named Rope.  Needless to say, this made his day that he has his very own park!  My older children were being great sports and they were "pouting"  as he celebrated because they don't have a park named after them.  :)

Our oldest son right after completing boot camp.  We are so proud of him!

This just makes me laugh!

My hometown.

I have millions of pictures, I'd love to share, so I'll definitely be joining this linky every week (hopefully I'll make it on a Saturday next week.)


  1. Loved all your pictures. I also love the name Rope. Is it a family name? Can't wait to see more next week.

  2. Thank you! No it's not a family name. Our boys all have the initials CRM. We agreed on the first name Caden but couldn't find an R name we both liked. My husband jokingly said fine we will just call him Rope. And it stuck!
