
Monday, July 2, 2012

My Binder Find

Ok, I have been teaching for 12 years and just within the past 6 months discovered teaching blogs and I'm obsessed! I'm also feeling a bit overwhelmed. There are so many great ideas out there and I want to try them all. I need to figure out a way to organize my blog ideas at home. I want to get started on all my new ideas right away! I'm starting a new job (same school) in the fall. I am moving from 7th grade English Language Arts and Reading to 6th grade math and I couldn't be more excited!

I had planned to work on my room today while my daughter was doing the driving part of her driver's ed class, but they were waxing the floors. Which is awesome because my floors were looking pretty pathetic that last month of school, but it kept me from getting in there and starting to work on all my great ideas I've gotten from blogs (and Pinterest). So I decided to run instead (another new goal of mine).

Here's one of the first things I am definitely going to do next year. It's a much better way to organize everything I have to keep. I'm all about being cute and being organized. Thank you to Leslie from Kindergarten Works for sharing this awesome Binder Basics idea. Even though she teaches Kindergarten, I think I can definitely tweak her stuff to work for my JH classroom. I'll post pics of it when I get it together!


  1. Hi Katie! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I'm your newest follower :) I will definitely be posting pictures when I get into my room again!
